Thursday, August 27, 2020

6 Mental Health Tips For Kids This Fall School Season

A parent doesn’t always have all the answers. Help your child manage anxiety during the 2020 return to school season.

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School Reopening Or Not: Tips To Protect Your Kid’s Mental Health

Is anxiety affecting your kid’s emotional state too much? Check these parenting tips to apply during the 2020 return to school season.

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Article source here: School Reopening Or Not: Tips To Protect Your Kid’s Mental Health

6 Parenting Tips To Help Your Child Manage Their Anxiety If Returning To School

If your child is feeling anxious or fearful about returning to school, help them by learning some mental health tips. Read our newest infographic here.

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Article source here: 6 Parenting Tips To Help Your Child Manage Their Anxiety If Returning To School

6 Mental Health Tips For Kids If They’re Reopening Schools or Learning at Home

Protecting your kids against COVID-19 isn’t the only problem this fall school season. Check these mental health tips and teach your children how to manage anxiety and fears.

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Article source here: 6 Mental Health Tips For Kids If They’re Reopening Schools or Learning at Home

6 Parenting Tips For Easing Your Kid’s Anxiety If Returning To School

Help your kids manage their emotions while returning to school. These essential parenting tips will help you to keep their anxiety at bay.

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Article source here: 6 Parenting Tips For Easing Your Kid’s Anxiety If Returning To School

Take Care Of Your Kid’s Mental Health With School Coming Back This Fall

Some parenting advice to help your kids cope with negative emotions during the 2020 return to school season. Check these 6 tips and apply them when you see your children anxious.

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Article source here: Take Care Of Your Kid’s Mental Health With School Coming Back This Fall

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

6 Insights For Parents As Children go Back to School

Some months ago, we were wondering, “when do kids go back to school?” Now, we know that some schools are planning on reopening, and we have to take our preventive measures to the classroom and talk with our children regarding safety practices. However, it’s normal for children to feel anxious and overwhelmed by the virus and the return to school. The following insights are a list created to help parents deal with safety and stress in their children. Keep reading!

Research your school

Every reopened school must ensure a safe return to classes to all students. We recommend parents investigate what preventive measures the school is applying, regarding space, personnel, and limitations. Most schools are trying dividing classrooms into smaller groups, moving classes to the outdoors, and putting signs to reduce crowding. Teachers and all the staff must be well-trained and informed, ensuring they could guide them into good practices during classes. Research your school actions and talk to your kids about them.

Medical checking

How are your children’s medical conditions? Are they flu shots up to date? Now’s the time to talk with your pediatrician and evaluate your kid’s health. Although small children aren’t as susceptible to the complications COVID-19 as adults are, they can also be part of the high-risk population if they have an underlying medical condition. It’s better to be informed and prepared! 

Good communication

Besides discussing the preventive measures a school must follow, many psychologists and educators are pointing out mental health and emotional support issues as crucial. It’s completely normal that your children, regardless of age, can be feeling fearful and anxious, especially while dealing with the loss of a family member, a sick loved one, or financial issues in their household. Experts recommend talking with anticipation and making them feel heard and confident to express their feelings without being judged or causing anxiety in their parents.

Acknowledge emotions

“Accept whatever your children are feeling and then move on to helping them learn how to cope” it’s what psychologist Bruce Decker recommends regarding anxious children going back to school. It’s better to teach them coping mechanisms like positive thinking and chatting with friends and family than protecting them. Let them know that what they feel is completely normal, and they can talk to you whenever they feel like.

Ask for help

The previous two points are more challenging to apply than you might think. It’s recommended that you ask psychologists, educators about personal advice to handle a delicate situation. Also, join some remote-learning communities and take part in the conversation. Learning how other parents handle their children’s emotions is an excellent way to evaluate your parenting style.

Prepare for returning to home classes.

Last but not least, stay informed about the current COVID cases in your area. Schools are most likely to shut close again if the number of sick people rises in your town. Take your precautions. You can talk to your boss, spouse, and children regarding a new change of routine. Also, preserve all your notebooks, boards, and other materials from your homeschooling weeks, if they come back, of course. Dealing with stress and fear isn’t easy. We wish you the best of luck! Also, remember that we can help you with your cleaning and disinfecting chores. Book your service on eMaids of Washington DC’s website.

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Article source here: 6 Insights For Parents As Children go Back to School

Stay Safe And Healthy With These 7 Best Practices

Are theme parks open again in Orlando? Yes, or at least most of them. Sites like Walt Disney World, Universal, and Sea World are now operating (but with some limitations and following many strict preventive measures to reduce new COVID-19 cases in the community). If you’re planning to visit these amusement parks, please keep reading this blog to learn about what you will find regarding preventive measures. Stay safe and enjoy your summer!
  • Online reservations for almost everything.

Your entry, ride tickets, and even dinner can be scheduled online through the theme parks’ official sites. This measure has various goals, most importantly, to manage and reduce the park’s capacity and to eliminate extended lines. Although this means that you won’t have to be close to other people waiting for the same ride, it also means you have to plan your day well in advance. 
  • Get used to temperature screening.

Upon arrival at any theme park, you will undergo a temperature checking with no-touch thermometers. The official procedure is that anyone with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or more will be denied entry, or at least this is what most theme parks are communicating. Only Walt Disney World goes into more detail: people with high temperatures will be directed to an additional location for another screening and assistance.
  • Some attractions and events are canceled.

As you might expect, some experiences and attractions such as shows, parades, and fireworks are postponed, canceled, or have limited availability. Also, services and amenities like buffets will be modified to protect the park’s attendants and ensure social distancing and no cross-contamination.
  • Follow the signs and avoid crowds.

Directional signals and ground marking will be everywhere. These adjustments will be temporary but critical for maintaining the park’s success and the number of cases low. Follow the staff’s instructions. You could find some physical barriers in selected spots where it’s difficult to maintain social distancing.
  • Staggered seating.

Because of the reduced capacity and online reservations, the theme park will have significant control over seats. Expect an empty seat next to you on your rides and events.
  • Face coverings all the way.

All guests over the age of 3 and all staff and park’s employees must wear face masks. Just a few exceptions: when you’re eating, drinking, swimming, or during a ride with lots of water (however, guests must remain socially distanced from other guests while having their masks off). Some parks like Disney even have “Relaxation Zones,” safe zones where you can remove your mask freely.
  • Enhanced cleaning measures.

Robust sanitation and cleaning measures must be maintained in all zones, but most importantly, in high touch areas. Most of the theme parks are making great efforts to apply strict standards and defined cycles for disinfection. Don’t expect less! Also, hand washing facilities and hand sanitizer dispensers will be around the corner and easy to find. These are the most important measures Orlando theme parks are following. But remember to do your part! Stay home if you’re feeling unwell, use your mask, and don’t expose yourself and others to a possible infection. Keep your distance! If you’re going on a vacation this summer and want to find your home thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, book your cleaning service with eMaids of Orlando.

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Article source here: Stay Safe And Healthy With These 7 Best Practices

4 Parenting Tips From Professionals To Help Our Children Return To School

When do kids go back to school? If only there were a concrete answer to that question. New York City is hoping students can return to physical classes in the fall, either full-time or in a hybrid form, but it’s not a sure bet. It all depends on the rate of infections in the city. So parents are left having to prepare for two scenarios.  By now, we all know the preventive health measures for COVID, and schools are working in creating a safe school environment for all their students.  But what about our children’s emotional health? Many of us have known somebody who’s gotten sick, are dealing with unemployment, or perhaps even lost someone during the previous months. Whatever the situation is, many children are feeling anxious and fearful about returning to school. In this blog post, we gather valuable and professional insights about your children’s mental health and parenting, hoping this will help make the return to school a more mellow experience for you and your kids.
  • Talk to your children with anticipation.

Like adults, children get stressed, have fears, and can even feel ashamed of their emotions. Before starting the conversations, you need to remember that your kids will trust you with their feelings if they don’t feel guilty or judge. Also, try not to be overwhelmed or look anxious when talking with them. Build a parent-child communication channel that lasts all semester. Remember that kids react differently depending on their age: ask more straightforward questions and be more active helping your small kids, and emphasize the strengths and show support to your older children.
  • Acknowledge emotions

Psychologist Bruce Ecker, Ph.D., emphasizes that accepting our child’s feelings is vital for effective and soothing communication. Returning to school is a significant event during the pandemic, and all parents must consider the complexity in it. Your kids not only can be worried about getting sick, but they will also experience new routines at school, reintegration to the system, efforts to maintain or raise their scores, and even bullying. Please talk with your kids and accept their emotions, then help him build a coping method. Let your children know that it’s normal to feel anxiety and be fearful while experiencing a rough transition like this.
  • Build coping tools

It’s natural for parents to solve all their kids’ problems and make it all the better. This protecting style of parenting isn’t always sustainable for the parents or healthy for the children. Ecker recommends a coping system like a talk from parents to show their kids how they can cope and manage their emotions independently. Calming thoughts and friendly chatting with friends are effective methods, and parents must encourage their practice (combined with excellent communication and support as mentioned above).
  • Check your kid’s medical condition.

Kids can also be part of the high-risk population, so every parent must check their children’s medical condition and make sure all their flu shots are updated. A child may be anxious about the virus and knowing his current state of health can help create a strategy to take better care of him and find the right words to calm him down. “Your health is excellent” can be helpful soothing words for an anxious child. We wish you a safe and calm return to school. Remember that if you want a professional disinfection service for your home, you can call eMaids of NYC. Book your service online.

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Article source here: 4 Parenting Tips From Professionals To Help Our Children Return To School

5 Essential Materials For Your Homeschool Setup

For some parents, fall might be time for homeschool again. The debate around schools reopening is still ongoing, so it’s better if you prepare just in case they don’t. We know that remote working, doing your housework, and also helping your kids with classes can be challenging. That’s why, in this blog, we give you some tips about how to homeschool. We’ll focus on your homeschool set up at home, in a list of essential devices, objects, and spaces you need to build the best classroom.
  • Chairs and writing surface

A chair and a flat surface for writing are the basic furniture you need to homeschool. Experts like Mickey Revenaugh, the co-founder of Connections Academy, recommend choosing an area of the home with enough space, lighting, and no distractions. Perhaps you select your dinner table, and you already have the seats, but be sure they are comfortable and with the right height for your kids.
  • Blackboard

Most children will get frustrated and unmotivated if they are looking at a book all the time. Many kids are visual learners and need instant visual enhancers to stay focused and learn their lessons. You can search for an affordable white or blackboard online. Surely this will be a good investment in your homeschool classes. Plus: discover the learning style of your children (to know if they are visual). Take the quiz here.
  • Wall space

Wall space is another visual element of your classroom, but also a management space. You can install a whiteboard to cross out homework, paste maps, write your achieved goals, and hang any type of diagram or colored guide for your kids to see. Once you start decorating your wall like this, you won’t stop, so be sure to have enough wall space.
  • Materials and school supplies

If you want to give your wall-papers and blackboard a good use, you better buy some markers, paper, tape, and other stuff that your kids might need to make their homework more exciting and appealing. Just remember to limit these objects because your home might get cluttered.
  • A screen

Multimedia materials like videos and documentaries are always welcomed while learning at home. Or anywhere! You don’t need to buy a TV set, use a tablet or the old screen you already have in the living room. Find the best material for your kids to learn and play some minutes of video. This way, you will replace physical stuff like prints and use technology instead, not to mention that your classes will be more engaging.

Plus: Outdoor activities

Look at it this way: you won’t have to clean if your classes are outside. Education experts suggest that you add outdoor classes to your homeschooling, providing a welcoming escape from the classroom, and embracing nature and physical activity. Your class could be in your yard, doing diverse exercises like constructing a maze with sticks. Or you can explore the neighborhood or the nearest park. Connect the school topics with your itinerary, and you will be the greatest teacher (for your children, anyway).  What do you think? Are you ready to become a better teacher and parent? We hope you succeed in it! Remember that eMaids can help you with your home cleaning chores. Book your service on our website.

The post 5 Essential Materials For Your Homeschool Setup appeared first on eMaids.

Article source here: 5 Essential Materials For Your Homeschool Setup

Cleaning Your Grill for that Safe Barbecue During the Summer

Summer is here, so its time to make that yummy BBQ. But you know that your grill and the yard have to be clean and hygienic. Cleaning your grill and yard doesn’t have to be difficult as long as you have the right tips on how to clean a grill.  Let’s start with the don’ts.

Avoid using the Dishwasher.

Don’t use the dishwasher to clean your grill or parts of it. If you do so, don’t be surprised to see oily, dark residues inside the dishwasher. Cleaning these residues from the dishwasher will take time and effort, not to mention several high-temperature cleaning cycles. It’s not worth it.

Don’t go for the Wire Brush.

Using this cleaning method might seem like an easy option to clean sauces and food from your grill. However, there is a health concern here. Inexpensive wire brushes are prone to losing wire bristles that might find their way to your food. You don’t want wire bristles lodging in any one’s mouth or throat or get swallowed, leading to an emergency.

Say no to Pressure Washing all the time. 

You might think that pressure-washing your grill is an easy and effective way of cleaning the grill plate. It’s not. Pressure washing will be more of a nuisance than a cleaning method. If you pressure-wash the grill in your yard, the chances are high that the process will tear into the grass and mess your yard’s surfaces. What’s more, you’ll end up with dirty debris and mud flying all over. These are some of the most tempting cleaning methods that you should avoid with your grill this summer. Instead of applying these methods, you’ll be better off using the best BBQ cleaning tips highlighted bellow. 

Soak, and Scrub Is Tried and True. 

Just in case you have a washbasin or a slop sink, soaking and scrubbing your grill can be an excellent way to clean the grill grates. You can try a mixture of hot water and degreasing dish detergent. Soak the grill in this mixture and let it soak fully submerged for about 24 hours.   In case you have cast iron grill grates and note they are taking on a rusty patina, you can have the grates re-seasoned after the cleaning. This re-seasoning can be done by coating them using neutral cooking oil.

Go with Heat and Scrap.

This is the best and most effective way to clean your grill. This approach does not damage your grill, and what’s even better is that it is the least time-consuming method. What you do is simple.  Heat the grill grate intensely for about 30 minutes and then turn off the heat.  When the grates are still hot, use the sharp edge of a sturdy spatula to scrape off as much debris as possible from the side and top of each grate. Once you are done, wad up a heavy-duty aluminum foil into a tiny ball the size of a baseball and use it to scrub the warm grates. This action leaves your grates sparkling, clean, and ready for the next BBQ session. However, you’ll not always have the time to give your grill a superb shine.  In case you need the services of a professional cleaning company to help you out with the rest of the cleaning chores so you can focus on the grill, visit eMaids of Brevard County, and make a booking.  This team has all the necessary equipment and skills to keep pathogens away from your grill and yard this summer. Stay safe and let the professionals clean your grill.

The post Cleaning Your Grill for that Safe Barbecue During the Summer appeared first on eMaids.

Article source here: Cleaning Your Grill for that Safe Barbecue During the Summer